final draft.

Viktoria Kordas
Holly Pappas
English 101
Ocotber 7, 2018


Not only do I love reading and writing, I also love drawing and wanted to be artist incase psychology doesn’t work out.  Like writing, drawing has been something that allows me to express creativity and have confidence. Ever since elementary school,  drawing has been one of my hobbies; as art class was my ultimate favorite subject, along with English. I would receive so many stacks of paper for Christmas because I loved drawing so much, and my family supported it. My favorite things to draw were cartoons.

The pleasures of drawing for me is being in a creative headspace, like music. It zones reality out for a certain amount of time and into the realm of drawing. Another good thing about drawing for me is other than getting compliments on it, is the constructive criticism. I like hearing the feedback on what I did wrong so I could improve on it later on.

Here are some that I’ve been working on.

As you can see, I’ve mainly drawn eyes. The reason for that is because eyes are my favorite thing to draw; they fascinate me and I become such a perfectionist when drawing them; I’m like that with all my drawing, but eyes especially since they’re hard to draw. But, practice makes perfect, right?

The main reason I gave up drawing was no particular reason other than I had just lost interest. It became boring for me and I wanted to do other things, like writing. But now that I’m into drawing again, I’m starting to figure out what career options would be best in the arts field.

Unlike writing though, I had unfortunately turned my back on drawing as it just didn’t interest me anymore. That was until this year when my mom convinced me to get back into drawing. We were talking in the car one day getting home from school, I was in high school and in my freshmen year, in our grey, 2014 hyundai on a sunny day and she said to me out of the blue, “You should get back into drawing, we used to love your drawings and you were such a good artist!” I didn’t know how to react other than to respond with a ‘maybe’. I didn’t want to get started on it right away incase other opportunities came my way.

A couple of months went by, and I eventually took my mom’s word on that as I began sketching tattoo designs; they ranged from flowers to quotes to names of my family for my first tattoo as I am turning eighteen in November. I showed my mom my drawings and, I am not kidding you, her mouth fell to the floor in amazement at how well she thought I drew. No words spoken. This event actually took place around third week of school. I didn’t think I  drew that well because it’s been such a long time since I started drawing again, I thought it was quite messy.

As I was drawing again, I regained some of the confidence I once had drawing and remembered how much I loved drawing. I also have a sketchbook on me to catch up on drawing after giving it up so many years ago.

After the first semester at BCC ends, I might, just might, take up art classes; both drawing and painting, along with classes in the Liberal Arts and Humanities study to further pursue a career in Psychology, as I’m not sure on which career path I should stick to.

One thought on “final draft.

  1. This fits well as an arts-themed essay. Its focus seems to be about the experience of abandoning and then taking up an interest (on a more universal level than the particulars of art). Your motivation for going back to it seems a little “random,” quite dependent on your mother’s suggestion rather than your own inclinations, and then you continue on based on her positive reaction. Maybe you could say more about the pleasures of drawing itself?

    On usage/grammar level, this is fairly strong, with clear and fluent writing.

    In addition to thinking about what your main message is here, I think you might do a bit more development of specific scenes (let us see you drawing, how you got ideas, your process, etc.) I’d also encourage you to post a few images of your artwork if you’re willing. I can show you how to post photos from your phone in class if you’re interested. (YOu don;’t need to do this for final draft, but may want to do so if you end up using this in your portfolio at end of semester).

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